Wednesday, May 27, 2009

No Apologies

I was going to apologize or make excuses for why my blogging hasn't been as consistent as I'd like. I had hoped to write 2-3 times a week. I've seen some who share everyday, sometimes a couple times a day, but that's just not me. It's just that...well, maybe it's just that I'm not really following a schedule. I decided a few weeks ago that my writing time should be left for the evening (even though it's the afternoon right now) because I hate it when I'm on a roll and I get interrupted a million times and forget my thought. Which invariably happens when everyone is awake. (I guess I'm a glutton for punishment...)

But I've decided not to apologize for this. If you read my blog or follow me on twitter then you know that I have 4 children at home. I home teach 2, 3 next fall, and I have a co-sleeping, wearable, nursing, mama's boy. He alone is a time and energy drain some days. Plus he's cute. When I thought about it, I realized that I have no reason to apologize for this, that's just the way it is.
On another note, I have no photos to share right now, (at least not of my art). I have been working on some stuff in the snippets of time that I can steal away from "the more important things" but no pictures of them yet. I am honing my schedule, and Gabe's too, so that more art time can be worked in. I was annoyed that the girl's virtual school did not offer any art classes (as were they) so my hope is to make up for it this summer by teaching them some of the things I know. I think it will be a fun way to draw them out and nurture their creativity at the same time. I will definitely be sharing pictures of that.

In the meantime, here are some pictures my second daughter drew. She is 8 and very little of a girly girl. She likes bugs and snakes, as well as ponies. She likes playing pirates and princess (though she is usually the princess' horse), and she is my most picky eater.

Here is a picture of a skeleton in a coffin that she drew. I have no idea why.

(click on the pictures to see a better view.)

The next one she drew the same day. It is a sarcophagus and a mummy (with a belly button).


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